RECORDING: Joint ISBNPA/ISPAH Webinar: The ‘how to’s and how not to’s’ of peer reviewing: perspectives from a reviewer and a journal editor

The ‘how to’s and how not to’s’ of peer reviewing: perspectives from a reviewer and a journal editor 

When: Mar 19, 2018 7:00 AM London 

Topic: Joint ISPAH-ISBNPA Webinar: The ‘how to’s and how not to’s’ of peer reviewing: perspectives from a reviewer and a journal editor 

Russ Jago* | Jenna Hollis** 
Affiliation: Professor of Paediatric Physical Activity and Public Health, University of Bristol* | Hunter New England Population Health, Newcastle, Australia** 

Moderators: Rachel Sutherland | Matthew Mclaughlin 
Affiliation: Hunter New England Population Health, University of Newcastle, Australia 

Abstract: Consisting of two presentations, one from an early career researcher (Dr Jenna Hollis) who was the IJBNPA reviewer of the year 2017, followed by a presentation from former Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity (Professor Russ Jago). From the reviewers perspective, Dr Hollis will cover the process of writing a peer review, peer review etiquette and the benefits of peer reviewing. Prof Russ Jago will then discuss what the editors are looking for, and how reviews are used in decision making.