ISBNPA 2017 Workshop, few places left: Faking it: using a fake food buffet to examine food choice

Register for the last few workshop places at ISBNPA 2017  

Morning Half Day Workshop#4
Title: Faking it: using a fake food buffet to examine food choice
Facilitators: Tamara Bucher, ETH Zurich and The University of Newcastle (AU)
Dr Megan Rollo, the University of Newcastle, NSW Australia
Prof Moira Dean, Dr Tony Benson, Queen’s University Belfast, UK

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ISBNPA 2017 Workshop, few places left: Grasping Physical Activity: Using 3D printers to visualize physical activity

Register for the last few workshop places at ISBNPA 2017  
Morning Half Day Workshop#2
Title: Grasping Physical Activity: Using 3D printers to visualize physical activity
Facilitators: Kelly Mackintosh, Melitta McNarry, Parisa Eslambolchilar, Sam Crossley, Swansea University

Continue ReadingISBNPA 2017 Workshop, few places left: Grasping Physical Activity: Using 3D printers to visualize physical activity

REWARD symposium – presentation of the findings

On October 27 and 28, 2016, we will organize the REWARD two day symposium, in the context of our IWT SBO-project Reward, at the Royal Library Brussels. At the symposium, the results of 4 years of research about reward sensitivity and eating habits of children and adolescents will be presented. The results will be presented in context of international research and will be linked to the practice of health promotion in Flanders.

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