
Early Care and Education SIG: Remaining nimble during uncertain times: Learning to pivot and adapt research during COVID-19


Remaining nimble during uncertain times: Learning to pivot and adapt research during COVID-19


May 12, 2022, 20:00 UTC




Ruth Kipping, mid-career researcher, University of Bristol, United Kingdom,

Audrey Elford, PhD candidate, Deakin University, Australia,

Monika Szpunar, PhD student, Western University, Canada,


Leigh Vanderloo, Adjunct Professor, Western University,

SIG Chairs

Anne Martin & Rachel Jones


COVID-19 created much stress and uncertainly in the workforce for everyone across the globe, and researchers were not immune to its effects. In an attempt to limit the spread of the virus, many research institutions were forced to halt all non-essential research. Consequently, many researchers were forced to re-assess or amend their research endeavours. ISBNPA’s ECE SIG is pleased to present “Remaining nimble during uncertain times: learning to pivot and adapt research during COVID-19” – the focus of this session will be for early career researchers in the physical activity and nutrition space to share their experiences and lessons learned over the course of the pandemic – from ceasing their research all together, to amending their projects and even commencing new studies all together. This virtual session will be carried out as a carousel, whereby all attendees will receive the opportunity to learn from each panelists’ experiences and ask questions in small group settings.