Nov 10, 2022 (UTC) Aging & Policies and Environment SIG Webinar: Age-related inequalities in physical activity: Does the built environment matter?

Please join ISBNPA. Title: Age-related inequalities in physical activity: Does the built environment matter? When: November 10, 2022, 20:00 GMT Recording: Click on the image below. Or click on…

Continue ReadingNov 10, 2022 (UTC) Aging & Policies and Environment SIG Webinar: Age-related inequalities in physical activity: Does the built environment matter?

Oct 27, 2022 (UTC) SIG Children and Families Webinar: Rapid Fire Presentations – Let’s Talk Lifestyle Behaviours, Children and Families

Please join ISBNPA. Recording: Title: Rapid Fire Presentations - Let's Talk Lifestyle Behaviours, Children and Families When October 27, 2022, 21:00 GMT Register: Who: Speakers: Rosa Virgara,…

Continue ReadingOct 27, 2022 (UTC) SIG Children and Families Webinar: Rapid Fire Presentations – Let’s Talk Lifestyle Behaviours, Children and Families

Early Care and Education SIG: Remaining nimble during uncertain times: Learning to pivot and adapt research during COVID-19 Title: Remaining nimble during uncertain times: Learning to pivot and adapt research during COVID-19 When May 12, 2022, 20:00 UTC Recording: Who: Speakers: Ruth Kipping, mid-career researcher, University…

Continue ReadingEarly Care and Education SIG: Remaining nimble during uncertain times: Learning to pivot and adapt research during COVID-19