March 24, 2025 (1430 UTC). An introduction to systems approaches in public health – where are we up to and how are they being used? A Systems Science SIG Webinar

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An introduction to systems approaches in public health – where are we up to and how are they being used?


March 24, 2025, 1430 UTC

Video recording:



Leandro Garcia, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Public Health, Queens University Belfast

Fiona Bull, Head of Physical Activity at World Health Organisation

Hayley Lever, Chief Executive Officer (Greater Manchester Moving) and GM Moving Exec Lead


Sophie Jones, Research Fellow, Centre for Public Health, Queens University Belfast

Maud ter Bogt, Researcher at Radboudumc department of primary care, and the public health service Gelderland-Zuid


Over the past decade, there has been a substantial increase in the use of systems approaches within the public health sector, particularly to promoting physical activity and nutrition interventions. In light of this growing interest, this webinar will offer a short introduction to systems approaches in public health, complemented by an overview of their current applications and contexts. Following this introductory presentation by Dr. Leandro Garcia, the webinar will feature a panel discussion with Prof. Fiona Bull (Head of Unit WHO) and Hayley Lever (Chief Executive Officer, Greater Manchester Moving) to discuss the practical application, and future potential, for systems approaches in policy and practice. The webinar will aim to encourage critical reflection on the current applications of systems approaches, with the goal of enhancing research, practice, and policy in the future.