

Start Date: 01/16/2020
End Date: 01/17/2020
Place: Bath, UK
Organization: UK Society of Behavioral Medicine

15th UKSBM Annual Scientific Meeting

Thursday 16th January – Friday 17th January 2020 at Apex City of Bath Hotel

The Society invites all behavioural and public health researchers, clinicians, practitioners, epidemiologists, health and clinical psychologists, behavioural scientists, medical sociologists, health economists, nurses, pharmacists and all other colleagues interested in the field of behavioural medicine to participate in this two day meeting. This year we have decided not to limit the conference content to a specific theme but we are running our usual open call for contributions from all areas of behavioural medicine, and would particularly welcome the submission of abstracts and symposia that reflect the broad focus of contemporary research in Behavioural Medicine. These may include, but are not limited to;

  • Promoting health behaviour change: including physical activity, diet, weight loss, and alcohol, tobacco and other substance use
  • Applications of behaviour change theory
  • Evaluating complex interventions
  • Addressing health inequalities through Behavioural Medicine
  • Transport, pollution and health
  • Systems approaches to obesity and non-communicable diseases
  • The role of industry in health and health services

Keynote Speakers

We are pleased to confirm the following keynote speakers;

  • Professor Bas Verplanken, Department of Psychology, University of Bath
  • Professor Jennie Macdiarmid, University of Aberdeen
  • Andre Kengne, Head of Non-Communicable Diseases Research Unit, South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town

Conference Programme

To view the full conference programme, please visit the event registration page.

Registration is now open.

Delegate fees and further details can be found on the registration information page.

Pre-Conference Workshops

Pre-Conference Workshops will be held at the University of Bath on Wednesday 15th January 2020. Topics and booking details will be confirmed soon.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch via the event hotline on 01332 227770 or by emailing [email protected].