
REWARD symposium – presentation of the findings

Start Date: 10/27/2016
End Date: 10/29/2016
Place: Royal Library Brussels, Belgium
Organization: REWARD research consortia

On October 27 and 28, we will organize our two day symposium, in the context of our IWT SBO-project Reward, at the Royal Library Brussels. At the symposium, the results of 4 years of research about reward sensitivity and eating habits of children and adolescents will be presented. The results will be presented in context of international research and will be linked to the practice of health promotion in Flanders.

The closing symposium consists of two days: 
DAY 1: Scientific part: Is there a future for healthy food choices? 
With this day we like to inform scientists, stakeholders and other people involved about the results of the investigation. These results will be integrated in an international context. Different reputable speakers from abroad will give a presentation on this day: prof. Stephanie AnzmanFrasca, prof. Jens Blechert, prof. Graham Finlayson, and prof. Stef Kremers. The role of neurobiology, learning processes and the environment will be discussed. Please note, language of this day will be English. 

DAY 2: Valorization part: 
Can we learn children and adolescents to make the healthy choice? With this day we like to inform scientists, stakeholders, health promotion organisations, and other actors involved about the implications of the study results for the promotion of healthy food choices in children and adolescents. There will be ample time to debate, and the meetings with other people will make it possible to expand the professional network. Please note, the language of this day will be Dutch.