
Policies and Environments webinar: Introduction to Dissemination and Implementation Research for New and Junior Investigators

Start Date: 11/12/2015
End Date: 11/12/2015
Place: Webinar
Organization: Policies and Environments SIG

Introduction to Dissemination and Implementation Research for New and Junior Investigators 

Date and time

Date: Thursday 12 Nov, 15:00 EST (12 nov, 20:00 London, 13 nov, 07:00, Melbourne, 13 nov 04:00 Hong Kong)


David Chambers, D Phil, Deputy Director for Implementation Science, NIH, National Cancer  Institute 
Cynthia A. Vinson, PhD, MPA, Senior Advisor for Implementation Science, NIH, National Cancer  Institute
AND/OR Antoinette Percy-Laurry
April Oh, PhD, MPH,  Program Director, NIH, National Cancer Institute (also Moderator)
Stefanie Vandevijvere, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, University of Aukland


Dissemination and implementation (D&I) research is a scientific method to accelerate the translation of behavioral interventions to practice and policy settings. In this webinar, presenters will define D&I terminology and discuss strategies for the implementation of interventions with emphasis on policy and environmental interventions. They will also present frameworks of implementation and evaluation, and offer current tools and resources to learn more about D&I. This webinar is appropriate for junior and new researchers looking study the dissemination and implementation of behavioral interventions.

Attending this webinar

If you want to listen to this webinar, please complete the following questions.
Note that spaces are limited and will be assigned on a first come first serve basis and in a phased order:
– Up and until 9 October: registration for the organizing SIG members only
– From 10-22 October for all members of ISBNPA
– From 23 October open for everybody

Link to register