
ObesityWeek 2014

Start Date: 11/02/2014
End Date: 11/07/2014
Place: Boston, US
Organization: The Obesity Society

From the conference website…

On behalf of ASMBS and TOS, we are extremely excited to announce open registration for the 2nd annual ObesityWeek meeting in Boston, November 2-7, 2014. ObesityWeek has something for every scientist, physician, surgeon, allied health professional, and policy maker interested in solving one of the world’s biggest public health problem. Our inaugural meeting in Atlanta Georgia, November 11-15, 2013 was a resounding success with nearly 5000 attendees from the United States and around the world. ObesityWeek 2014 promises to exceed expectations with an unheralded array of topics and expert speakers relating to cutting edge science of obesity, advances in clinical management of obesity, and obesity public policy. World renown keynote speakers include C. Ronald Kahn, MD and Jim Marks, MD, MPH. Nine allied organizations including AACE, ACSM, AHA, AND, ASN, IFSO, ISPCOP, SSIB, WOF have teamed up with ObesityWeek to create provocative symposia on hot topics with in obesity science and management. In addition, more than 30 international obesity professional organizations have endorsed ObesityWeek 2014 as a “must attend” event. We invite you to browse through this website to discover what tremendous value ObesityWeek has to offer. Register early to take advantage of early bird discounts. Hope to see you in Boston at ObesityWeek 2014!
Co-Chairs, ObesityWeek 2014 
Phil Schauer MD 
Carey Lumeng, PhD