
Mid-Career Network Workshop at #ISBNPA2019

Start Date: 06/04/2019
End Date: 06/04/2019
Place: Prague @ #ISBNPA2019
Organization: ISBNPA MCN (Mid-Career Network)

Go for the full #ISBNPA2019 learning experience. Join the workshop of the Mid-Career Network in Prague.

Please contact Eva ([email protected]) to register.



Navigating the midcareer journey



A/Prof Maureen Ashe, [email protected], The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Dr. Borja del Pozo-Cruz, [email protected], Australian Catholic University, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Dr. Ruth Lowry, [email protected], University of Chichester, West Sussex, England


Brief description 

Please join us for the Midcareer Network (MCN) workshop at the 2019 ISBNPA Annual Meeting. The MCN is the most recent community within the ISBNPA membership and includes researchers and practitioners who self-select themselves to be at mid-career: although the typical member is frequently 5-9 years post-doctoral program. The MCN goals are to discuss issues particularly relevant to those at midcareer such as, balancing teaching, service, and research, disseminating research via social media, and mentorship. In this half-day workshop, we aim to have participatory sessions with mid-career and senior researchers from the field of physical activity and nutrition who will provide insights into the core topics described above.

8:30 – Introduction and review of the Mid-Career Network, and half-day session – A/Prof Maureen Ashe, University of British Columbia, Canada and Dr. Borja del Pozo, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia

8:45 – Finding Balance: Strategies to prioritize and strategize action items at midcareer –  Prof. Chris Lonsdale, Institute for Positive Psychology, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia

9:15 – Break out session: Challenges and solutions at midcareer – A/Prof Maureen Ashe and Dr. Borja del Pozo

9:45 – Disseminating research – Does social media play a role? – Dr. Dori Pekmezi, Department of Health Behavior, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

10:15 – Break out session: Benefits and challenges with social media – A/Prof Maureen Ashe and Dr. Borja del Pozo

10:45 – Mentorship: Giving and Receiving Career Support – A/Prof Sandra Mandic, School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Otago, New Zealand

11:15 – Panel Discussion

11:55 – Conclusion