
ISPAH-ISBNPA-UCSD webinar: Disseminating research output to increase audience and outreach

Start Date: 09/17/2018
End Date: 09/17/2018
Place: Webinar
Upcoming NESI webinar (joint ISBNPA/ISPAH webinar series)

Title: Disseminating research output to increase audience and outreach
Date: The upcoming ISPAH-ISBNPA-UCSD webinar is on September 17th (21:00 GMT).
Speakers: Join Euan Adie (founder of Altmetrics), Michael Wheeler (Former Intern at The Naked Scientist Podcast), Heather Buschman (Public Information Officer, UCSD) and John Bellettiere (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UCSD) to hear how about reaching science communicators & news outlets.
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