
ISBNPA Webinar SIG Early Childhood Education: Screen time in Early Childhood Education – good, bad or both?

Start Date: 02/20/2020
End Date: 02/20/2020
Place: Online Webinar
Organization: SIG Early Childhood Education


February 20, 2020, 20:00 GMT (please confirm the schedule in your time zone)


Link to register:



Screen time in Early Childhood Education – good, bad or both?



Professor Sonia Livingstone London School of Economics 

Associate Professor Kristi Adamo University of Ottowa



Professor Stewart Trost Queensland University of Technology 


SIG Chair:

Anne Martin



Screens are now ubiquitous in the lives of children. Handheld devices have been embraced in the Early Childhood Education, allowing access to information to support learning. However concerns about duration of exposure to screen time and potential detrimental effects remain front of mind. This webinar explores the pros and cons of screen time in ECE, prompting participants to consider implications for research and practice, and how best to enhance outcomes for children across the domains of health and education.

Moderator: Prof Stewart Trost, Australia 

1st speaker: Pros: Prof Sonia Livingstone, United Kingdom  

2nd speaker: Cons: A/Prof Kristi Adamo, Canada