
ISBNPA Webinar SIG Early Care and Education: Physical fitness in young children (preschool years): Importance, measurement, and intervention

Start Date: 02/28/2017
End Date: 02/28/2017
Place: Webinar
Organization: SIG Early Career and Education

Recording available in the link above or here

When: February 28, 2017
Time: 15:00 EST (which means 20:00 GMT & March 1, 7:00 AEDT Melbourne Time)

Title of webinar

Physical fitness in young children (preschool years): Importance, measurement, and intervention

SIG Chair 




Lee Stoner, University of North Carolina (US)

Brian Timmons, McMaster University (CA)

Marie Löf, Linköping University (SE) (INVITED)


Webinar moderator



The purpose of this SIG webinar is to provide an overview of physical fitness in young children. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and evidence has shown that physical fitness has beneficial effects on cardiovascular health.  Unlike the available evidence in older children and adults, little is known about the importance of physical fitness during the early years. This webinar brings together a team of talented researchers to describe: 1) importance of fitness/cardiovascular health in young children 2) measuring fitness in young children, and 3) intervention strategies to increase physical fitness in young children. Participants will be provided with an overview of the literature on this topic, information on strategies to obtain physical fitness measures in young children, and intervention approaches. (45 min) Finally, the moderator will lead a discussion around how we can address physical fitness in young children, including benefits and barriers.  (30 min)

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