
ISBNPA 2105 Satellite meeting: Challenging interventions with an obese society-engaging without enraging

Start Date: 06/08/2015
End Date: 06/08/2015
Place: St Andrews University, Scotland
Organization: St Andrews University & University of Dundee Scotland

This satellite offers a range of
interactive sessions, work-share structured discussions and a designer lead approach
to creative opportunities for increasing awareness and action around physical
activity and diet for weight management. Presentations include recent work on
new visual tools for assessing unhealthy body weight in children, effective
communications and brief interventions.

programme aims to explore

  • How good are we at recruiting and retaining
    overweight people in our control and intervention groups?

  • How we practice optimal oral communications
    with intervention participants – do we know the key concepts of

  • How good are our tools at measuring and
    assisting weight loss- can we engage with the design community?

  • What are the key factors in brief
    interventions for weight management- how brief is brief?

In all areas of nutrition and
physical activity interventions, researchers are faced with engaging children
and adults with excess body weight (even when weight management is not a study
outcome). Often described as the elephant in the room, behavioural
interventions must take account of energy needs, physical abilities and
disabilities and researchers need to optimise communications which engage but
do not enrage.  

All ISBNPA members with an
interest in optimising communications about obesity research (involving diet
and physical activity) are welcome to the meeting for an interactive day with
time for sharing experiences, reflections and ideas.

We are also offering the opportunity for a walk and
talk poster presentation session with a prize for the most innovative

For more details see
or contact
[email protected]