
Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on Obesity Solutions – Physical Activity: Moving Toward Obesity Solutions

Start Date: 04/14/2015
End Date: 04/15/2015
Place: National Academy of Sciences Building in Washington, D.C. or via live webcast
Organization: Institute of Medicine

Please join the Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on Obesity Solutions on April 14-15, 2015 for a public workshop, Physical Activity: Moving Toward Obesity Solutions.



Register to attend the workshop in person at the National Academy of Sciences Building in Washington, D.C. or via live webcast.

Often, obesity is thought to be the result of diet alone, and preventable through changing eating habits, or the types of food to which a population has access. Many responses to the obesity epidemic have focused on food and nutrition, and advocates from the local to the national level have responded by promoting healthy eating. However, there has been less of a focus on the role of physical activity in obesity. 

The workshop, hosted by the Roundtable on Obesity Solutions, will feature expert speakers and discussion on the scientific basis for a focus on physical activity in obesity prevention and treatment and will include presenters and discussants on the subject of prevention of overweight and obesity in adults and children, as well as the role of physical activity in overweight and obese populations. The workshop will also provide a space for speakers and attendees to share innovative strategies for promoting physical activity and preventing obesity in diverse settings and through various channels. 

The workshop will be held over 2 days.

  • On Day 1 (April 14) the program will focus on the science around the impact of physical activity on overweight and obesity (9:00 am – 3:20 pm EST) 
  • On Day 2 (April 15) it will focus on innovative strategies for promoting physical activity (9:00 am – 2:30 pm EST)

In the spirit of our workshop on physical activity, please join us in wearing comfortable shoes and clothing you can move in.
For more information on the workshop and agenda, please visit