
Early Career Reseachers Workshop: Grant Writing Skills

Start Date: 11/16/2016
End Date: 11/16/2016
Place: University College of London, UK
Organization: Cancer Research UK

Dear Early Career Researchers,


I would like to invite you to join us for the next early career researchers’ networking and development group meeting.

The group came about because we noticed that there’s quite a few of us working in similar areas, at a similar career stage, facing the same challenges.  We also noticed that there wasn’t a formal support network that met our needs and we recognised that there’s a lot of knowledge and expertise between us that could be shared more effectively, while allowing us to network more naturally.

The series of meetings will give researchers at a similar stage an opportunity to meet future collaborators and develop skills relevant to a career in this field.  It offers protected time to keep thinking about the next steps. At previous workshops we have considered:

·         how to make the jump from early career to more independent researcher and

·         working with press offices.


It is an open and evolving group which is growing in response to the needs identified within the group. The group is likely to be of interest to post-doctoral population health researchers with an interest in cancer.

The next meeting…

Dr Melanie Bradman, Strategic Research Facilitator from the School of Life and Medical Sciences at UCL will deliver a grant writing skills workshop. This will be aimed at post-doctoral researchers working in the field of population health cancer research and will be suitable for those working at any university. She will cover:


·         funding opportunities,

·         common pitfalls and key tips for grant writing & researchers at our career stage.


When? 13.00 – 14.00,  Wednesday 16th November. Bring your lunch!

Where? UCL – room TBC


Please RSVP to Alice Forster ([email protected]) to make sure you can access the room and please forward this to people who might be interested!


Best wishes, Alice


Alice Forster, PhD

Senior Research Associate, Cancer Research UK-BUPA Cancer Prevention Post-doctoral Fellow

Health Behaviour Research Centre, Epidemiology and Public Health

Tel: 0203 108 3293

Email: [email protected]