
e- and mHealth webinar: Forging public-private partnerships to advance the science and practice of mobile health

Start Date: 11/02/2015
End Date: 11/02/2015
Place: Webinar
Organization: ISBNPA – e- and m-Health SIG

e- and mHealth webinar: 

Forging public-private partnerships to advance the science and practice of mobile health

Follow the link bellow to see the webinar recording

Date and time

Date: Monday 2 Nov, 15:00 EST (2 nov, 20:00 London, 3 nov, 07:00, Melbourne, 3 nov 04:00 Hong Kong)


Thomas Baranowski, Professor of Pediatrics, USDA-ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA
Joanna Strober, CEO and Co-founder, Kurbo Health, Palo Alto, California, USA


Melanie Hingle, Assistant Professor of Nutritional Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA


Science and industry have operated largely in parallel with regard to development and deployment of mobile health (mHealth) technologies targeting dietary and physical activity behavior change. Little rigorous research has investigated the effectiveness of commercial products, nor do we know when, how and for whom these technologies work best. At the same time, many commercially designed and supported products have high adoption and user rates compared to applications designed by researchers.
Industry-academic partnerships have been touted as a way to minimize duplication of efforts, and produce products with significant uptake and sustained user engagement that potentially have the greatest impact on health.
The purpose of this webinar is to advance understanding of the science and practice of mHealth from the perspectives of  a behavioral scientist who has successfully partnered with industry (Prof Tom Baranowski) and a business leader who has developed and marketed a product designed to impact obesogenic behaviors (Ms Joanna Strober, CEO of Kurbo). Each speaker will present experiences and relevant data from their respective programs (~20 min each).  This will be followed by a moderated discussion in which both presenters and listeners will discuss ‘best practices’ for engaging in mutually beneficial partnerships to advance the science and practice of mHealth (~35 min).

Attending this webinar

This event has already occurred. You can watch a recording of the webinar here: