Webinar: SIG Implementation and Scalability (in partnership with ISPAH and NCOIS)


Designing and Undertaking Implementation Trials


December 10, 2020, 20:00 GMT


A/Prof Luke Wolfenden, University of Newcastle and Hunter New England Population Health


A/Prof Taren Swindle, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 

Dr Nicole Nathan, University of Newcastle and Hunter New England Population Health

SIG Chairs

Co-Chairs: Taren Swindle and Nicole Nathan.


To maximise the likelihood of health improvement, health policymakers must select evidence-based interventions, and utilise evidence-based strategies to implement them. While there has been considerable investment in the conduct of trials to evaluate the efficacy of physical activity and nutrition interventions, less attention has been paid to the development and testing of implementation strategies. Furthermore, ‘implementation trials’ that have been undertaken have been criticised for a lack of use of implementation theory or frameworks in strategy development, poor methodological quality and high risk of bias. As many researchers express uncertainty regarding the appropriate methods to employ in the conduct of implementation trials, this webinar will provide methodological guidance for their conduct.

Speaker Biography:

Associate Professor Luke Wolfenden is a behavioural and implementation scientist. He is the Director of the National Centre for Implementation Science, a National Health and Medical Research Council Centre of Research Excellence. Luke is also a Program Manager at Hunter New England Population Health where is responsible for overseeing the implementation of obesity preventions services to a geographically diverse population in New South Wales, Australia. His research seeks to address the modifiable risk for chronic disease through the development and testing of public health interventions, and strategies to implement them at scale.