ISBNPA Webinar SIG Aging. Rethinking “Healthy Aging”: Outcomes and Interventions

Rethinking “Healthy Aging”: Outcomes and Interventions

Calendar April 15, 7pm, London time (check your time zone schedule)

Speaker:Jennifer Copeland, Associate Professor, University of Lethbridge,
Speaker: Catherine Bolman, Professor, Open University of the Netherlands,

Moderator: Shilpa Dogra, Associate Professor, University of Ontario Institute of Technology,

SIG Chair: Janet Boekhout

The purpose of this webinar is to consider which outcomes best reflect “healthy aging” and to examine new approaches to health behaviour interventions for older adults. The first speaker, Dr. Copeland, will discuss the unique health challenges that are prevalent among older adults. The so-called “geriatric syndromes” have a major impact on quality of life and independence, and these functional limitations are stronger predictors of self-rated health and mortality than chronic disease. Dr. Copeland will make a case for why research on healthy movement patterns for older adults should consider these outcomes. The second speaker, Dr. Bolman, will provide an overview of print and online physical activity interventions developed and evaluated for older adults, as well as subsequent versions adapted for older adults with chronic impairments, and offered in combination with community events. Dr. Bolman will summarize the impact of these interventions on physical activity levels, participation degree, preference for delivery mode, and more. She will emphasize the lessons learned, and how these insights can be used to inform future interventions with older adults. Together, these two examples will highlight opportunities to advance aging research and identify novel strategies that could lessen the future health burden of an aging population.