ISBNPA NESI Webinar: Physical activity data processing and visualization


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Physical activity data processing and visualization.


Wednesday January 20th, 2021; 21H00 – 22H00 GMT


Dr. Kelly Mackintosh* | Dr. Tom Stewart**

Affiliation: *Associate professor, Applied sport, Technology, Exercise and Medicine (A-STEM), Swansea University (UK) | ** Senior research fellow, Human Potential Centre, Auckland University of Technology

Moderators: Dr. Emma Lawlor*|Teferi Mekonnen Yitayew**

Affiliation: *Centre of Diet and Activity Research, University of Cambridge | ** Department of Nutrition, The University of Oslo

Session Plan

This one hour webinar will consist of two presentations focusing on effective and novel methods of physical activity processing and data visualization. There will also be an opportunity for discussion and questions.

Our first speaker, Dr. Kelly Mackintosh, is an expert in novel approaches to measure and promote physical activity across the lifespan and disease status, and has over 80 peer-reviewed publications. She will discuss: “The power of co-design for physical activity: what’s PlayDoh got to do with it?”

Our second speaker, Dr. Tom Stewart, is an expert in using big data and machine learning to tackle a range of public health research challenges, and last year was selected as a keynote speaker at the ISBNPA Xchange initiative.  

There will be 20 minutes or so for discussion. Come prepared to ask a lot of questions!
If you are unable to attend, please note that the webinar will be available through a YouTube video on ISBNPA’s website.