Partnering and parenting transitions in Australian men and women: associations with changes in weight, domain-specific physical activity and sedentary behaviours

Partnering and parenting are important life-stage transitions often accompanied by changes in social networks, roles and responsibilities. There have been no longitudinal studies examining associations of part...

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Can we walk away from cardiovascular disease risk or do we have to ‘huff and puff’? A cross-sectional compositional accelerometer data analysis among adults and older adults in the Copenhagen City Heart Study

It is unclear whether walking can decrease cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk or if high intensity physical activity (HIPA) is needed, and whether the association is modified by age. We investigated…

Continue ReadingCan we walk away from cardiovascular disease risk or do we have to ‘huff and puff’? A cross-sectional compositional accelerometer data analysis among adults and older adults in the Copenhagen City Heart Study