What’s New @ISBNPA, January 2021


President’s message

ISBNPA XChange 2021, an AWESOME conference



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President’s Message

Are you ready to join the ISBNPA dance?

Welcome to 2021! Who is as excited for this year’s ISBNPA XChange as me?! I hope to see you all together again, sharing our unique ideas and findings and learning from each other’s complementary perspectives. So I am excited to introduce this year’s theme of our ISBNPA meeting:

“Thinking independently together – Let’s dance around the world!”

As Verna Myers once said, “Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance”.

Most research in our field is based on WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic1) samples, and as a result we end up missing out on the valuable holistic viewpoint that we gain from more inclusive research.
Let’s move beyond WEIRD and take into account viewpoints from AWESOME (All over the World from East all the way to South and all Other Miraculous Experienced) samples.

Let’s think independently while dancing together around the world, linking our ideas together with the ideas of others and incorporating diversity and its inclusion in our everyday lives. Each and every idea makes our collective dance more beautiful and diverse!

With this, I’d like to introduce our three keynote speakers: Shifalika Goenka, Meera Shekar, and Emily Mendenhall. With their expertise and unique perspectives, I‘m sure we will be inspired to think independently and more AWESOME and inclusive.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting and dancing with you all around the world!


1Henrich et al. The weirdest people in the world? Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2010) 33, 61–135