Pioneers Program: Quick call guidelines (study to be presented at ISBNPA2025, Auckland, NZ)

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide funding to up to FOUR researchers to: 

  • conduct a small study or complete an existing study* (where funds are currently insufficient); and  
  • present study findings at the ISBNPA 2025 conference.  

(*) please note that the timeframe is limited and the abstract needs to be submitted for the late breaking abstract submission deadline (February 21st, 2025)

Who is eligible? 

  • Applicants should be early or mid-career researchers residing and working in an LMIC, as recognised by the World Bank. Applications from early career researchers from high-income countries will be assessed only when an appropriate justification of the difficulties of getting research funding is provided in the application.  
  • Each applicant should identify a mid-career or senior researcher willing to act as a mentor for their project. This person could be in the same country or from another country. It would be preferable for the mentor to be a member of ISBNPA.  

Available funding 

  • If applying to present in the in-person meeting: 
  • US$1500 research grant + US$1500 conference travel scholarship + free conference registration + registration to the NESI pre-conference workshop (if the applicant is an early career researcher) 
  • If applying to present in the online meeting: 
  • US$1500 research grant + free conference registration + registration to the NESI pre-conference workshop (if the applicant is an early career researcher) 

What the funding can be used for: 

  • Research-related costs, e.g., transport for data collection, fieldworker costs, equipment, materials and supplies for data collection. 
  • Salary costs of an early career researcher (Masters or PhD student, or postdoc ≤5 years post PhD) to complete a specific research task, e.g., collect data, complete data analysis. 

What the funding cannot be used for: 

  • Salary contribution for a mid-career or senior researcher 
  • Institutional costs (e.g., university research levies, overheads) 
  • Article publication fees. The applicants may submit a waiver request to IJBNPA that will be considered by the editor-in-Chief. 

Timeline and procedure

Call opens for funding applicationsSeptember 3, 2024
Deadline for funding applicationsOctober 18, 2024
Decision on funding applications communicatedNovember 8, 2024
Successful applicants will sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with ISBNPA –November 15, 2025
Funding awarded and first payment 800 USD (only once MoA signed) –November 22, 2024
Complete data collection and analysisJanuary 31, 2025
Second Payment (US$500)January 31, 2025
Submit abstractFebruary 21, 2025
Third Payment (US$200)February 28, 2025
Travel funding awarded if abstract is acceptedMarch 29, 2025
Attend ISBNPA 2025June 11-14, 2025

What if deadlines are not met? 

–   A motivation for extending deadline/s should be submitted to the ISBNPA selection committee. 

–   If two deadlines are not met, ISBNPA reserves the right to not pay further instalments, and to withdraw the offer of funding to attend the ISBNPA conference. 

Application form: 

The application form is available in the link below. We strongly advise you to visit the form in advance of preparing the submission. 


Any questions? 

Please contact: Dr Ana Maria Contardo-Ayala, [email protected]

Page updated: 2024-08-19