Full project’s name
Design of a Health-related Fitness test Battery in adults: The ADULT-FIT Battery

Principal Investigator
José Castro Piñero (1,2) and Magdalena Cuenca García (1,2)
1GALENO Research Group, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Cadiz, Puerto Real, Spain
2Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Biomédica de Cádiz (INiBICA), Cadiz, Spain
1/1/2018 – 12/31/2020
Other participants
Dr. Julio Conde Caveda.
Dr. David Sánchez Oliva.
Dr. Alberto Grao Cruces.
Dr. Víctor Segura Jiménez.
Dr. Daniel Camiletti Moirón.
Dra. Inmaculada Álvarez Gallardo.
Dra. Rocio Izquierdo Gómez.
Dr. Jorge del Rosario Fernández Santos.
Dra. Carmen Padilla Moledo.
Dra. Milkana Borges.
Dr. Alejandro Pérez Pérez.
Dra. Nuria Jiménez Marín.
Dª. Carolina Cruz Leon.
Regular physical fitness is considered a powerful health marker in different populations at preschool, childhood adolescence, adults and older adults. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated inverse association between cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular fitness, with morbidity and all-cause mortality. Consequently, physical fitness assessment is considered an important prevention and diagnosis tool. Physical fitness can be objectively and accurately measured through laboratory tests. However, due to their high cost, necessity of sophisticated instruments, qualified technicians and time constraints, their use is limited in population-based studies. Field-based fitness tests provide a reasonable alternative since they are easy to administer, involve minimal equipment, low in cost, and a large number of participants can be evaluated in a relatively short period of time and simultaneously. Valid, reliable, feasible, safe and responsiveness are characteristics that need to be assured for any measurement tool. Longitudinal studies have recently contributed to the existing health related fitness battery archiving those characteristics in children and adolescents (The ALPHA Study) and preschool children (The PREFIT study). However, researchers, clinicians and sport practitioners do not have enough information about which fitness tests are more reliable, valid and informative from the health point of view to be implemented in adults. Therefore, the main purpose of this project is to propose a valid, reliable, feasible, safe and responsiveness field-based physical fitness tests battery to be used for health monitoring purposes in adults. Expected results are: (i) design a valid, reliable, feasible, safe and responsiveness field-based fitness tests battery to be used for health monitoring purposes in adults; (ii) homogenization in the assessment of health-related fitness tests at this population, allowing us to obtain normative reference values of physical fitness in adults; comparing physical fitness levels at this population; and encouraging the implementation of strategies to improve the health status of adults with greater success and achieving more effective results, obtaining a significant reduction of costs in the public health monitoring system (improving the cost-effectiveness) .