ISBNPA Webinar SIG Early Care & Education – Sleep as an obesity-related health behavior in early childhood: Importance, Assessment & Intervention

When: Feb 15, 2018 9:00 PM London 
Topic: ISBNPA Webinar SIG Early Care & Education – Sleep as an obesity-related health behavior in early childhood: Importance, Assessment & Intervention

Speakers: Rachael Taylor* | Jess Haines**
Affiliation: School of Medicine, University of Otago, New Zealand* | University of Guelph, Canada**
Moderators: Pouya Saeedi* | Ana Lindsay** | Emily Tomayko*** | Stephanie Mazzucca****
Affiliation: University of Otago* | University of Massachusetts** | Oregon State University *** | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ****
SIG Co-Chairs: Dianne Ward* | Pooja Tandon**

Affiliation: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill* | University of Washington**
Register in advance for this webinar: 

The purpose of this webinar is to provide an overview of the importance of sleep behavior in young children (2-5 years). Sleep is important for children as it impacts their health, growth, and development. This webinar brings together a team of sleep experts to describe: 1) importance of sleep in early childhood, 2) measuring sleep in young children, and 3) intervention strategies to promote healthy sleep behaviors in young children.