Happy Academic Blog – by Kylie Ball

Past President and ISBNPA Fellow Kylie Ball has recently launched a new blog, ‘Happy Academic’, that specifically targets early and mid-career researchers (EMCRs). 
This is something very close to her heart, having witnessed the lack of support and struggles faced by many EMCRs, and having benefitted from wonderful mentors herself. Kylie has mentored many EMCRs, including at mentoring lunches and forums hosted at ISBNPA conferences, and over the years she had heard them voice similar questions and challenges. When she recently took on a role overseeing EMCR development in her Institute (IPAN: http://www.deakin.edu.au/ipan), she was inspired to create the blog in an attempt to start answering some of these questions and addressing the challenges in a format that could potentially reach a wide audience all over the world. 
She is keen to have broad reach and benefits, so if this is of interest, be sure to sign up to follow, and forward to any other EMCRs who might be interested: https://happyacademic.wordpress.com/