Call for Pioneer Scholarship Grant for ISBNPA 2021 in Omaha

ISBNPA Pioneer Scholarship funding for LMIC early and mid-career researchers


ISBNPA is excited to announce that it will provide funding for early (5 years post-PhD) and mid-career (5-15 years post-PhD) researchers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This funding can be used to conduct formative or pilot research (or to complete an existing study), and present the study findings at the 2021 ISBNPA Annual Meeting in Omaha. Applicants should be living and working in, and funded by an institution or organisation in an LMIC; or may be living and working in a high-income country but funded by an institution or organisation in an LMIC. 


Funding for #ISBNPA2020 was decided already, to allow the execution of the studies.


For more information see the attachment, and contact António Palmeira if any questions remain:

Funding application deadline: 19 October, 2019 


To apply for the funding for ISBNPA 2021 in Omaha click HERE.