Attention! ISBNPA registration copycat website

A potential scam of a predatory conference was brought out to our attention. A website seems to copycat conferences websites to lure users to provide their credit card number during the registration process. 
A copycat of ISBNPA’s Annual Meeting is available on that site, so we suggest you take extra care while registering for our conference (and other conferences, of course). The only valid registration is
We have started a series of legal actions to try to stop this, but it will take a while to solve, so in the meantime the following information may help.
In that website (called WASET) our conference was renamed from ISBNPA 2016 Annual Meeting to International Conference of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity and instead of Cape Town, it states that it is being held in Sydney, Australia. The committees do not include researchers of our area (although the names point to some colleagues in other areas), and there is a list of outstanding papers being presented that, again, are not related to our research area. The list of conferences on this website is quite extensive, and they all look to be potential predatory conferences.
As you may be involved in other societies, please share this information with their officers. And spread the word so that no colleague is caught in this potential scam.
We will do our best to prevent this from happening again.