The Executive Committee has recently voted a new version of the ISBNPA policy document about partnership, sponsorship and donations.
We thank all the work done by our Sponsorship sub-Committee and the comments made by the fellows in the preparation of such an important document.
Download PDF file (or see the full text below)
What is ISBNPA
The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) is a professional organization committed to the betterment of human health and the free exchange of ideas, especially science-based findings, regarding behavioral nutrition and physical activity research, programs and policy.
ISBNPA is the leading international research community in behavioral nutrition and physical activity
We stimulate and promote innovative and impactful research in behavioral nutrition and physical activity to improve human health and well-being worldwide.
Conducts scientific meetings, congresses and symposia in which current research on behavioral issues in nutrition and physical activity will be discussed by researchers in related fields;
Disseminate information on research being done in behavioral issues in nutrition and physical activity through newsletters and other communications;
Provide information to and encourage continued support by public and private bodies that support research in behavioral issues in nutrition and physical activity.
Promote and facilitate the dissemination of knowledge of behavioral issues in nutrition and physical activity to the public and to educators, scholars and health professionals through any lawful means;
Promote and assist communication between researchers on issues of behavioral nutrition and physical activity and members of scientific and scholarly organizations whose members do research in other related health and medical fields through joint meetings, shared membership lists, joint publications and any other lawful means;
Conduct any and all other activities as shall from time to time be found appropriate in connection with the foregoing and as are lawful for not-for-profit corporations.
ISBNPA has an international presence with more than 400 members representing nearly 30 countries. Our members come together from more than 40 government agencies, industry and professional organizations as well as close to 150 academic and medical institutions. Members bring to this organization a diversity of experience and expertise.
Main activities
The annual meeting is a 3 day meeting hosted in different countries around the world in May/June each year. The number of participants has been steadily increasing as is currently at about 800-1000.
The Journal – The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (IJBNPA) – is an open access journal published by BioMed Central and has a current impact factor of 4.11
The ISBNPA’s website (
Special Interest groups (SIG) of which there are currently 7.
The ISBNPA is governed by an Executive committee (EC). EC members are elected for 3-year terms by the ISBNPA members. The EC consists of President, president-elect, secretary and treasurer, as well as 6-10 members at large. The EC work is executed through regular telephone conferences, e-mail exchanges and by delegation to committees and sub-committees. If voting is required a majority of the EC members have to be present at the meeting.
The day-to-day business of running ISBNPA is carried out by the ISBNPA Executive Director, which is a paid position.
The annual meeting is organized by the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) in close collaboration with the EC. The LOC is responsible for the practical arrangements of the meeting including sponsorship. The Scientific Committee is responsible for the scientific program.
The IJBNPA is run by an editor-in-chief and 4 deputy editors-in-chief, whereas the day-to-day business of running IJBNPA is carried out by the Managing editor, which is a paid position.
Sponsorship means financial support provided to ISBNPA by an individual or organization (Sponsor) for a specific activity.
Partnership means a binding legal agreement between ISBNPA and another party (Partner) whereby the partner provides ISBNPA with financial or in-kind support which helps ISBNPA conduct its activities and thus fulfill its vision and mission, and whereby ISBNPA provides value to the partner with annual benefits specified in the partnership agreement.
Donation means a gift in cash or in kind given to the ISBNPA by an individual or an organization (Donor).
Policy Statement
It is the policy of the ISBNPA to seek and accept partnership, sponsorship and donations only from those partners or sponsors it deems consistent with the ISBNPA’s vision, mission and purpose, including its commitment to the betterment of human health and the free exchange of ideas.
The ISBNPA may refuse partnerships, sponsorships or donations from partners or sponsors/donors who could potentially use the relationship with ISBNPA to defend products, practices or positions that are not aligned with the vision, mission and purpose of ISBNPA and thus be damaging to the society’s reputation.
Partnership, sponsorship and donations are separate from, and not permitted to influence, the science of the ISBNPA Society.
Partners/Sponsors/Donors shall not refer to or use the ISBNPA name or logo in activities without prior written permission.
Policy for partners & donors
Funds provided in the form of “unrestricted grants” or in-kind support to support the overall vision and activities of the ISBNPA.
Partners/donors and the nature of their support are acknowledged on the website.
Partners/donors may mention that they have provided support of the ISBNPA, but must not imply that the ISBNPA endorses the Partners/donors.
Partners/donors must not use the name or logo of the ISBNPA in connection with any other activity than stated in the agreement.
Partners/donors may have certain agreed benefits as stated in the agreement.
The ISBNPA reserves the right to refuse support from prospective Partners/donors.
Policy for sponsors of annual meetings
No direct commercial sponsorship or endorsement is permitted for scientific programs, abstracts, speakers or symposia.
Sponsors are not permitted to direct the content of scientific programs or direct the choice of speakers at the ISBNPA annual meeting.
Sponsors are not permitted to engage in commercial activity at the ISBNPA annual meeting other than as permitted under the agreed terms of sponsorship or commercial activity.
Sponsors are acknowledged format (i.e. in the program, on the website and at the annual meeting) agreed in the contract.
Sponsors shall not refer to or use the ISBNPA name or logo in activities without prior written permission.
The ISBNPA reserves the right to refuse donations, sponsorship or commercial activity proposals.
The potential for sponsorships of the ISBNPA annual meeting is further detailed in the “Standard sponsorship invitation for the annual meeting” and “Standard sponsorship contract”
Policy Procedures
ISBNPA may enter Partnership or Sponsorship agreements with or accept a donation from an individual or organization in expectation of mutual benefits and where the assessed benefits for ISBNPA outweigh any assessed risks.
When ISBNPA enters a partnership/sponsorship agreement or accepts a donation it signifies that ISBNPA has reached a mutual understanding with the partner/sponsor/donor. The scope and responsibilities of the parties under the agreement and the timeframe for the agreement are described in a legal contract which must be signed by the President of ISBNPA or someone the EC delegates this to.
The ISBNPA sub-committee on Sponsorship will assess proposed partner-/sponsorships/donations using a standard checklist. Each partner/sponsor will be scored by at least 2 members of the sub-committee. The reports will be reviewed by the full sub-committee, and a recommendation will be given to the EC.
The EC will review the report from the ISBNPA sub-committee on Sponsorship and approve by majority vote any partner/sponsor /donor prior to accepting any partnership (financial or other), sponsorship or donation and proceed to write the contract.
Conflict of interests
Members of the EC and the sub-committee on Sponsorship are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest (such as current relationships with potential partners, sponsors or donors in the form of receipt of funding, board or committee membership, and so forth) upon entering the EC or the sub-committee. The Conflict of Interest statements should be revised continuously for as long as they serve on the committees. The most current Conflict of Interest statements are posted on the ISBNPA website whereas previous ones are archived.
A member of the EC or the sub-committee on Sponsorship who has a current relationship with a potential ISBNPA partner or sponsor will be reviewed by the EC/the sponsorship sub-committee on an individual basis for consideration of whether the member is eligible to vote on acceptance of any given partner-/sponsorship or donor.
Transparency of partener-/sponsorship or donations
All support will be publicly recognized in the annual meeting program, journal title page, or other relevant media, as appropriate. All industry, foundation, or government-sponsored scholarships, symposia, meals, etc. will be acknowledged by a statement in the program or by a representative of the ISBNPA (e. g., the meeting chair). Partner-/sponsorships or donations that are ongoing or have been in the last year are posted on the website, and updated continuously/before each annual meeting.