Postdoctoral Position in Obesity and Lifestyle Science @ Weill Cornell Medicine

Institution (Location)
Position Description

The post-doctoral experience will emphasize implementing behavioral and clinical interventions targeting diet, physical activity, and mood states such as stress among individuals at risk or living with chronic health conditions, such as cancer. Candidates will gain the skills to conduct research addressing abnormal energy balance leading to excess adiposity in a diverse clinical and community based population. This position is housed in the Division of General Internal Medicine (GIM) at Weill Cornell Medicine.

The successful candidate will be supervised by Dr. Erica Phillips, MD, MS, the Jack Fishman Associate Professor of Cancer Prevention. The candidate will also be welcomed into a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians, basic science, health services, and population health scientists that span Weill Cornell Medicine and include faculty within the Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center. Weill Cornell Medicine and Cornell University afford many opportunities for continued training, including research seminars and coursework across various disciplines and institutions, including the Weill Cornell Clinical and Translational Science Center. Furthermore, successful candidates will have the opportunity to conduct clinical shadowing in multiple settings, including primary care, weight management, and oncology. This post-doctoral experience will build skills in rigorous methodology and study design, grant/manuscript writing, oral presentations, and clinical acumen.

Responsibilities and Duties
■ Contribute to the design and implementation of research in behavioral lifestyle interventions
■ Conduct literature reviews, write annotated bibliographies and use reference managers
■ Collect and analyze quantitative data using various software
■ Collect and analyze qualitative data using various software (e.g., NVIVO, ATLAS.ti)
■ Supervise and mentor research assistants and other graduate students
■ Publish peer-reviewed manuscripts, reports, and op-eds
■ Assist with writing and submitting grant proposals
■ Prepare and present abstracts and papers at national scientific meetings
■ Attend weekly GIM research seminars and present at least once per year
■ Attend monthly MCC Cancer Prevention & Control meetings


Weill Cornell Medicine offers a highly
competitive stipend. Additional funding
will be made available annually for
discretionary research expenses
(e.g., books, software, conference travel).

Candidate’s Qualifications (who should apply)
How to Apply