Institution (Location)
Several Institutions in Europe
Start Date
October 1, 2024
Position Description

Offer Description

INDEEP (INtervention on the DEterminants of, and Expertise in, Physical activity behaviours) is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network which brings together people and organisation from across the world to train a new generation of researchers with a comprehensive understanding of the determinants associated with Physical Activity Behaviours, innovative methodologies, and data analytics.

In INDEEP, the PhD candidates will take part in the development of novel and innovative techniques in the examination of determinants of physical activity behaviours while working with world leading researchers and practitioners.Through utilising determinant knowledge gained through state-of-the-art methodologies, and systematically integrating this knowledge with a co-creative methodology, the INDEEP intervention development toolkit will provide researchers and practitioners across Europe with an evidence-based best practice approach to intervention development, taking into consideration the interactions within a complex behavioural system.

INDEEP offers 10 PhDs across eight European countries. These PhD opportunities are in a broad range of disciplines, with each focused on the impacts on Physical Activtiy Behaviours. The opportunities are relevant for graduates with expertise and experience in genetics, physical activity measurement, psychosocial factors, interpersonal factors, environmental factors, policy factors, intervention development, intervention co-creation processes and outcome and process evaluation. Read more about the PhD projects at

More information also here

Candidate’s Qualifications (who should apply)
The 10 PhD project titles are:

DC1: The design and evaluation of a harmonized cross-European data collection study for the examination of Physical Activity Behaviours and their determinants in youth (TUS, Ireland)

DC2: Developing and standardizing methods for collecting and processing data on device-measured physical activity in family settings across countries (UiA, Norway)


DC4: Genetic Determinants of Physical Activity Behaviors (PABs) in European youths (VUA, Netherlands)

DC5: Individual determinants of physical activity behaviours in Irish and European youths (UL, Ireland)

DC6: Interpersonal determinants of physical activity in youth (BIPS, Germany)

DC7: Time- and context-dependency of environmental determinants of physical activity in European youth (GU, Belgium)

DC8: Policy determinants of Physical Activity Behaviors (PABs) in European youth (LU, Portugal)

DC9: A systems-approach to physical activity behaviours in families with children (AUMC, Netherlands)

DC10: Combining determinant systems, theories and co-creation for effective intervention development in Physical Activity Behaviours (GU, Belgium)

Specific Requirements

Mobility Rule: The successful candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the recruitment date.

Specific requirements in relation to languages and entry requirements to PhD programmes are provided on the detailed project description on the INDEEP website ( Please ensure that applicants review all requirements in advance of submission from the information provided at the current openings page of the INDEEP website.

How to Apply

All candidates will be employed by the host institution, and will be required to register on a PhD programme within this institution, according to the MSCA Doctoral Network rules, following the regulations of the hosting institution. A financial package will consist of a Living Allowance, Mobility Allowance (for moving to a new country) and a Family allowance (where applicable). Please refer to the detailed individual project descriptions provided at, where benefits are provided for each individual project, relating to each individual institution. For any additional information, please contact the project supervisor (listed under general information on the job advertisement) or email [email protected].

Eligibility criteria

Please refer to the detailed individual project descriptions provided at All eligibility criteria are provided for each individual project, relating to each individual institution. For any additional information, please contact the project supervisor (listed under general information on the job advertisement) or email [email protected].


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