
ISBNPA 2016 Pre-conference workshops

Start Date: 06/08/2016
End Date: 06/08/2016
Place: Cape Town, South Africa
Organization: ISBNPA

Translation and Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions into Policy and Practice

Presenters: Dawn K. Wilson, Sally Wyke, Tracey Naledi, Vicki Lambert, and Stefanie Vandevijvere

Schedule (to be confirmed): June 8, 12:30-16:30

This interactive workshop will address translation and implementation of evidence-based health policies and practices across several countries. Dr. Sally Wyke will discuss policy work at the Institute of Health and Well-being in the UK; specifically the EuroFIT lifestyle programme to attract men to be more active through the loyalty that they feel to the top flight professional soccer clubs. Dr. Tracey Naledi, Director of the Health Programmes, Department of Health in Western Cape Province, will present on local policies to improve health and prevent chronic disease in this region. Dr. Vicki Lambert, University of Cape Town, will present on developing the National Physical Activity Plan throughout South Africa. ISBNPA policy coalition leader Dr. Dawn Wilson and SIG leader Dr. Stefanie Vandevijvere will lead an interactive discussion to address issues of comparing and contrasting different approaches to policy implementation across countries. Future objectives for policy work within ISBNPA will be discussed.

The art of evaluating the effect of changes in the built environment on physical activity behavior

Presenters: Jasper Schipperijn, Stef Kremers, Esther van Sluijs and Dave van Kann

Schedule (to be confirmed): June 8, 8-12; 13-16

Evaluating the impact of changes in the built environment on physical activity behavior is challenging and it is not an exact science with set formats and methods. During this workshop we will introduce participants to the art of evaluating the effect of changes to the built environment on physical activity behavior, whilst ensuring that the many choices that will have to be made have a sound scientific basis. Participants will be introduced to different studies designs, working with the conceptualization of the expected causal relations, sampling and recruitment of participants, exposure definitions, data collection, and analytical strategies. Both experienced researchers as well as researchers new to the field will gain from attending this workshop. Because there is no single best way of evaluating changes in the environment and each decision will have a ripple effect, there will be plenty of room for discussion.

HomeStyles: A Case Study in Developing a Childhood-Obesity Prevention Intervention

Presenters: Jennifer Martin-Biggers and Carol Byrd-Bredbenner

Schedule (to be confirmed): June 8, 8-12

HomeStyles is a comprehensive, in-home intervention that enables and motivates parents to shape home environments and lifestyle behavioral practices (diet, exercise, sleep) to prevent excessive weight gain in preschool children. It is delivered via home visitation or online/web-based. This workshop traces the application of best practices in the development, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of HomeStyles including:
1. advisory board formation and maintenance;
2. intervention development and formative testing (e.g.,fidelity to theoretical underpinnings and community-based participatory research principles, parent focus group interviews to guide intervention materials development, cognitive testing and iterative refinements of materials, in-culture translations for Spanish-speakers), creation of equivalent control intervention;
3. assessment instrument development/refinement [e.g.,child BMI, home food and physical activity environment, dietary intake, parental policies/modeling related to diet, exercise, and sleep];
4. intervention staff training;
5. participant recruitment and retention;
6. data management and analysis; and
7. intervention dissemination. This workshop is a must for anyone planning, implementing, evaluating, or disseminating obesity prevention interventions.

Workshop participants will be able to:

  • Describe best practices for obesity prevention intervention development.
  • Summarize the importance of using behavior change theory and models to guide intervention development.
  • Create, implement, evaluation, and disseminate interventions using best practices.

Navigating Cape Town: Using GPS in behavioral nutrition and physical activity research

Presenters: Maartje Poelman, Monique Simons, Marijke Jansen, and Emely de Vet

Schedule (to be confirmed): June 8, 8-12; 13-16

Where you live, eat and play are important contributors to health. Research to understand the role of neighborhoods in obesity prevalence and prevention has burgeoned in recent decades; however much of this research has focused on relationships between the residential environment and physical activity (PA) or food consumption. This focus, primarily on residential areas, has several drawbacks as health behaviors occur in multiple locations and contexts (e.g., along routes to destinations). The emergence of low-cost and accurate Global Positioning Systems (GPS) devices has enabled researchers to objectively track the location of an individual. GPS has become a powerful tool for individual environment exposure assessments. Researchers with no (or little) prior experience using GPS are invited to take part in this interactive workshop to become more familiar with the use of GPS in PA and behavioral nutrition research. By navigating Cape Town, attendees will gain first-hand experience in the use of GPS and interpretation of the data.

Quantifying and Visualising Physical Behaviour: An alternative to Energy Expenditure Estimation

Presenters: Malcolm Granat and Douglas Maxwell

Schedule (to be confirmed): June 8, 12:30-16:30

It has been suggested that physical activity is about “the relationship between human beings and their environment” and the “strengthening of that relationship”. However the primary physical activity outcome has invariably been energy expenditure, with definitions of different aspects of physical activity based on levels of energy expenditure. It is proposed that the pattern of robustly defined activities, Physical Behaviour, can provide an alternative construct to energy expenditure estimation.

The main goal of this workshop is to demonstrate how we can develop person-centred outcomes from the pattern of the individual’s activity and how from these patterns it is possible to derive detailed information on Physical Behaviour.

Interactive features of this workshop will include: a structured discussion on derivation of outcomes based on the patterns of activities, data analysis showing how we can derive new outcomes of lying, cycling and car travel from body-worn accelerometer data and group working analysing sample data.

Excessive sitting in prolonged bouts is associated with poor health, even when physical activity guidelines are met, making sedentary time a new health behaviour change target. This has led to an increase in the number of interventions to change sedentary behaviour. Crucial to the evaluation of these interventions is the choosing the most appropriate measure of sedentary behaviour.

Measuring sedentary behaviour in an intervention context

Presenters: Paul Gardiner, Sebastien Chastin, and Manon Dontje

Schedule (to be confirmed): June 8, 12:30-16:30

This workshop brings together experts in sedentary behaviour interventions and measurement of sedentary behaviour. Participants will be involved in didactic sessions as well as undertake interactive exercises. During the workshop participants will consider:

  • Components of sedentary behaviour: total volume and patterns
  • Properties of sedentary behaviour measures: reliability, validity and responsiveness to change
  • Existing self-report measures of sedentary behaviour
  • Existing objective measures of sedentary behaviour
  • Measures to improve compliance with measurement protocols

Social media and strategic communications for researchers and institutions

Presenters: Steven Kelder and Brooks Ballard

Schedule (to be confirmed): June 8, 12:30-16:30

This workshop will explain the role of institutional social media and communications efforts, and how individuals can utilize these same tactics to increase the impact of their research. This “hands-on” learning experience is designed to allow participants to develop and/or refine their organizations’ strategic social media communications. Participants will learn methods to translate and disseminate research to targeted audiences to improve decision-making and program planning. We will review evidence-based and popular communications methods, including: social media, email marketing, blogging, webinars, infographics, online videos, and more.

The workshop goals are:

  1. Define social media and strategic communications in a public health research context
  2. Review social media technologies, evidence-based and state of the art methods, and gaining institutional support
  3. Present case studies in social media strategic communications planning
  4. Define measures for success and review available analytic tools
  5. Provide hands-on opportunities to develop a institutional social media strategic plan

Early Career Researchers workshop

Presenters: Hans Brug, Anna Timperio, Charlie Foster, Kim Gans, Deanna Hoelscher, Lisa Micklesfield, Salome Kruger

Schedule (to be confirmed): June 8, 8-12; 13-16

The Early Career Researchers workshop will give you an opportunity to learn from experienced researchers on a range of topics such as: career guidance, developing collaborations, grant-writing tips, mentoring, time management and building your CV. The workshops will offer several opportunities for networking with other participants and senior researchers, including round-table discussions. Sessions will include both lecture-style, information sharing and small group discussions. Numbers will be limited so register early!

Move Well, Move Often’ – The practical application of fundamental movement skills for youth physical activity promotion.

Presenters: Wesley O’Brien, Bronagh McGrane, Johann Issartel, and Sarahjane Belton

Schedule (to be confirmed): June 8, 8-12

This workshop will critically discuss and actively explore the thematic area of ‘fundamental movement skills’ (FMS), specifically for childhood physical activity promotion. Participants will practice basic observable patterns of movement through prescriptive tasks and a variety of assessment strategies. The workshop is designed to improve the critical eye of the participant towards the observation of FMS (both within and outside of the school environment).
During the course of the workshop, participants will execute skills such as running in a straight line (locomotor) and/or performing a two-handed catch (object-related) etc. From these episodes of basic movement practice, participants will further their knowledge by critically assessing and monitoring levels of skill proficiency from the workshop delegates. This workshop will be particularly suited to those interested in the fields of childhood physical activity promotion, motor development, skill development, human movement, physical education and intervention implementation.

See a youtube presentation of the workshop:

Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in nutrition intervention message development: A step by step guide.

Presenters: Janetta Harbron, Marjanne Senekal, Nelia Steyn, and Sharmilah Booley

Schedule (to be confirmed): June 8, 8-12

Research indicates that behaviour change interventions are more effective when guided by the understanding and application of behaviour change theories. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is a beliefs-based model designed to predict behaviour. TPB-based interventions are expected to improve intention to change and lead to successful execution of the target behaviour. During this workshop the comprehensive application of the TPB, including the specific steps that are recommended for designing a TPB-based intervention will be explained using interactive sessions covering practical and hands-on applications of each step. The steps involve: 1) Formative assessment to identify underlying beliefs relating to a given behaviour e.g. fruit and vegetable intake. For these purposes, illustrations of how to conduct focus group discussions/in depth interviews will be covered. 2) Compile a TPB-questionnaire from the data collected in step 1 and interpret the results to identify modal (most commonly held) beliefs. 3) Attendees will learn how to develop belief targeted messages for a TPB-based intervention.