Daylight saving time as a potential public health intervention: an observational study of evening daylight and objectively-measured physical activity among 23,000 children from 9 countries

Anna Goodman, Angie S Page, Ashley R Cooper, for the International Children’s Accelerometry Database (ICAD) CollaboratorsInternational Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2014, 11:84 (23 October 2014)

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The Dutch Obesity Intervention in Teenagers (DOiT) cluster controlled implementation trial: intervention effects and mediators and moderators of adiposity and energy balance-related behaviours

Background: The school-based Dutch Obesity Intervention in Teenagers (DOiT) programme is an evidence-based obesity prevention programme tailored to adolescents attending the first two years of prevocational education in the Netherlands.…

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Breast cancer risk reduction – is it feasible to initiate a randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle intervention programme (ActWell) within a national breast screening programme?

Background: Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second cause of cancer deaths amongst women in the UK. The incidence of the disease is increasing and is…

Continue ReadingBreast cancer risk reduction – is it feasible to initiate a randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle intervention programme (ActWell) within a national breast screening programme?