A Live Virtual Event in Memory of Dr. Leann Birch to Launch a Special Issue dedicated to her work: “Parenting and the Development of Eating Behaviors in the Growing Child”

Two-hour webinar, starting at 12:00 PM Eastern Time(9:00 AM Pacific Time, 5:00 PM Central European Time, 7:00 PM Eastern Africa Time) More information about how to register will be available…

Continue ReadingA Live Virtual Event in Memory of Dr. Leann Birch to Launch a Special Issue dedicated to her work: “Parenting and the Development of Eating Behaviors in the Growing Child”

ISBNPA Webinar SIG Childrens and Families: Expanding traditional understandings of caregiver supportive feeding and sleep practices

Link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8FNsoB6ZRN6_bqz59w3F_w     Calendar:  May 26, GMT, 9PM; London 10 PM; Boston 5PM;  Vancouver 2PM May 27, Auckland, 9AM; Melbourne 7AM   Speakers: Lucinda Bell, Research Fellow Nutrition…

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