COVID-19 Information and ISBNPA, March 10, 2020

COVID-19 Information 


Dear ISBNPA Community,

With the recent travel bans and cancellation of various events due to concerns about the COVID-19 virus, we anticipate that many of you are wondering how, and if the upcoming ISBNPA 2020 Annual Meeting in June 2020 will be affected.  

Rest assured, the conference organizers are reviewing the conditions daily to ensure that the safety and security of our attendees, staff and operational personnel remains the top priority. The Ministry of Health is actively monitoring the situation and working with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international partners. Together they are gathering information and providing advice and guidance on the issue as it evolves.  The New Zealand government have currently assessed the risk of coronavirus to be low for New Zealand. Temporary travel restrictions on travellers coming to New Zealand have been placed for only those coming from or through the countries who have travel bans defined by the WHO will now also be required to self-isolate for 14 days.

At present, the ISBNPA 2020 Annual Meeting is scheduled to proceed. We will send the update to all registered delegates and accepted presenters about developments should anything change. We will also post any updates on the website page –

Being aware of the world-wide concern, we want to offer the delegates an extended time to register at the Early Bird pricing. The Early Bird rate will now be available until May 1st.


We also encourage ISBNPA 2020 delegates to consult these sources as they prepare for the event.


WHO General info on COVID-19


New Zealand travel updates


Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus




WHO advice for international traffic


Situation Reports




For information regarding travel advice as it relates to the novel COVID-19, please check the Government of New Zealand latest information at


We look forward to welcoming you to Auckland!


Please direct any questions to [email protected]